Data Quality Initiative

The District’s Data Quality Initiative seeks to improve the accuracy and reliability of District data, primarily by sending alert notifications when a specific condition exists that warrants the attention of school or District staff.

The initiative uses the Elevate Data Quality software tool from Instructure, Inc. to send Data Quality scorecard emails to staff whenever there are violations to Data Quality Rules.

Why use the Data Quality Tool (DQT) for Data Quality Management (DQM)?


  • Allows stakeholders to identify areas where records are not accurate and/or policies are not followed
  • Increases accountability by monitoring frequency of data quality issues and policy violations over time
  • Highlights corrections necessary for state and federal reporting
Security and Efficiency
  • Removes need for all staff to have access to all data systems to track issues
  • Replaces an array of ad hoc data-quality reports, emails, and individually-maintained files
  • Tracks errors and policy violations across data systems instead of a siloed approach within a single platform, combining data from multiple sources if necessary
  • Sends direct email alerts about data quality issues to multiple levels of staff continuously and automatically throughout the school year
  • Automatically partitions out the errors for each stakeholder level and notifies them only when errors exist
  • Provides notifications of data quality issues as close to real time as possible

Note: Elevate Data Quality was formerly known as “Certify.” If you have questions about the changes that have occurred to the tool’s name and log-in process, please see the DQT Certify Rebranding one-pager.