Technical and Managerial Support

The Office of Federal Programs (OFP) coordinates the submission of the SDP’s Consolidated Application for federal funds. This application funds programs such as Titles IA, ID, IIA, III, and IVA of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. Signed into law December 10, 2015, ESSA replaced the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).

The Consolidated Application is the SDP’s plan to use federal funds via an annual application/budget proposal to PDE for the use of federal funds and supports schoolwide programs in Philadelphia schools to improve academic achievement focus and close equity gaps providing funding for educational services, academic interventions, professional development and etc. to support academic achievement and maintain a highly qualified staff.

The OFP also supports the coordination and implementation of federal programs by providing technical and managerial support for federal grant program managers.  In this capacity, the OFP team works closely with grant program managers and other offices within the Grants Compliance and Fiscal Services Office (GCFS) to address program-specific as well as federal cross-cutting policy and programmatic issues, ensure compliance in the first instance, and to define and develop program policy options for senior management.