NEHS 9th Grade Success

9th Grade – Focus on Success
Coordinator – Mr. Charles Gil
Freshman (Ninth Grade) Transition program

Who – This program is designed to service 9th grade regular education students.

Why -Research supports the need for a comprehensive 9th grade transition program.

How – Small learning communities within the major school that will focus specifically, on the transition initiative.

The FOS program strives to increase the high school graduation rate at Northeast High School, and to address the needs of the 9th grade school students having a difficult time adjusting to the high school environment. It is a success- oriented program designed to assist students in helping them improve their self-esteem, develop acceptable work habits, develop acceptable behaviors, and increase their understanding of the importance of completing their high school education.

Teacher List:

  • Mr. Ulkloss – Physical Science
  • Ms. Klimaytis – English
  • Ms. Green – Algebra
  • Mr. Snyder – History
  • Ms.  Taylor – Biology
  • Mr. Dillion – Social Worker
  • Ms. Friedman – counselor
  • Mr. Gill –  Director/Dean