Anchor Goal 2

Implementation and Outcome Goals for 2018-19

The Anchor Goals in Action Plan 3.0 establish the goals and values that drive our work – including our work in the Office of Research and Evaluation. Anchor Goal 2 states that 100% of all 8-year-olds will read on grade level.

To reach this Anchor Goal, outcome goals for the 2018-19 school year include:

  1. For all student groups, at least 70% of Kindergarten students and 50% of 1st and 2nd grade students will score at target by the Spring AIMSweb assessment.
  2. For all student groups, at least 60% of Kindergarten students and 75% of 1st and 2nd grade students will make at least one year’s worth of growth, as evidenced by their independent reading level from Q1 to Q4.
  3. For all student groups, no more than 25% of 3rd grade students will score below basic on the 3rd Grade PSSA-ELA assessment.
  4. At least 60% of Kindergarten through 3rd grade students will attend school 95% of days or more.
  5. 100% of K-2 students have zero out-of-school suspensions.

To reach these outcome goals, implementation goals for the 2018-19 school year include:

  1. Every K-3 teacher will implement a daily 120-minute literacy block that includes all of the following components: Read-Alouds/Modeled Writing, Shared Reading/Writing, Guided Reading/Writing, Independent Reading/Writing at all grade levels, and phonics instruction for K-2.
  2. Every elementary school principal will create a schedule that allows for meaningful common planning/grade group meetings for all K-3 teachers at regular intervals and provides for regular administration of literacy assessments (AIMSweb three times a year and DRA 2 four times a year in kindergarten and at least twice a year in 1st-3rd grade).
  3. Every elementary school principal will regularly monitor student reading levels and AIMSweb/DRA2 results as well as progress on each classroom’s implementation of early literacy best practices, and regularly adapt and redeploy supports as needed.
  4. Every Assistant Superintendent will review early literacy results at least quarterly with each principal in their Network, and regularly adapt and redeploy supports as needed.
  5. Assistant Superintendents and Principals will ensure the stability and continuity of our trained K-3 workforce; barring exceptional circumstances, K-3 teachers who have successfully completed the Early Literacy Summer Institute will not be assigned to teach a different grade level.