Once you click on School Finder below, simply enter your address in the requested field and click “Find”. You will immediately see a list the schools that are assigned to your home address.

NOTE: If you find that the school you are assigned to is a Renaissance Charter School, please move directly to the Renaissance Charter School Initiative to find out more information.  If you’re not sure if your school is a Renaissance Charter School, you may access the complete list of our Renaissance Charter Schools.

Also note, if for some reason the school you’re assigned to is not the school you wish your student to attend, you still have to register at your assigned school.  After that, you should contact the Office of Student Enrollment and Placement to figure out other options and next steps you can take so your child can attend a different school for the following school year.  Please complete the registration process identified here, then, call 215-400-4290 or e-mail us at OSEP@philasd.org for questions.

Now that you have identified your neighborhood school, please proceed to Step 2 below.