Posted on January 9, 2024
Categories: News from SDP, Teacher of the Month

Hats off to our Teacher of the Month, Carrie Bannon! Principal Garcia of the Alexander K. McClure School can’t sing her praises high enough, and rightly so. He says, “Carrie is quite the superhero when it comes to creating a nurturing and productive learning environment. She’s the ultimate team player, always putting the needs of others first.”

As McClure’s Special Education Case Manager (SPECM), Ms. Bannon is no stranger to challenges. But she’s never met a challenge she couldn’t handle with grace and tenacity. “She’s a beacon of resilience, always ensuring our special needs students get the support they need. And boy, does she make it look easy!” says Principal Garcia.

What’s more impressive is how Ms. Bannon maneuvers through her day. “We’re incredibly lucky to have her as part of our team. She’s the engine that keeps our school humming,” Garcia adds.

In addition to being our stellar SPECM, Ms. Bannon lends her expertise to assist our K-2 grade students and their classroom teachers. One of the kindergarten teachers shared, “Carrie is a dynamo! She’s always working to build strong relationships among teachers and families. Her commitment to open communication helps our students reach their academic and behavioral goals.”

Ms. Bannon’s collaboration with K-5 staff ensures all students receive the services they need. So here’s a huge round of applause to Carrie Bannon, our Teacher of the Month! Your dedication and hard work are not only appreciated but celebrated. McClure School is a better place because you’re there. Keep shining, Carrie!