October Student of the Month: Abdoulaye Kamagate

Name: Abdoulaye Kamagate
School: Frankford High School
Nominated By: First Sergeant Joseph Fraioli (retired) – Army JROTC Instructor, Counselor
Some students are front-line leaders, who have an energy you can see and feel from a mile away. Still others are quietly doing all the right things — modeling exemplary leadership, academic and extra-curricular dedication. These students are making waves in their own unassuming ways, but if you aren’t looking for them, they could stay under the radar entirely. First Sergeant Joseph Fraioli wasn’t about to let Abdoulaye Kamagate remain unnoticed.
Abdoulaye is a senior at Frankford High School, a school that offers some of the District’s more unique classes including aviation and military preparation courses. Abdoulaye, after arriving in the United States with his family from the Ivory Coast, chose Frankford as his high school for it’s strong sports component, and leadership and ROTC focus. According to Sergeant Fraioli, who has been an instructor and counselor to Abdoulaye during his time at Frankford, he excels at all of it.
“He’s a diamond in the rough, but he’s low key about all of it,” explained Sergeant Fraoili, proudly. “But academically he’s in the top 20% of his class. When he’s not doing sports he’s on our color guard. So he has drill meets. He gets involved in community activities. He fits all of this in, despite early 7am workouts most days. This is one student who just doesn’t take time off.”
Abdoulaye’s first passion is soccer — he plays on an Olympic development-level soccer team, travelling throughout the eastern U.S. for games and tournaments. This has already led to 6 or 7 colleges extending offers for him to play for them! He’s also quickly picked up American football and lacrosse, and excels at them too. For all of his talent on the field, Abdoulaye doesn’t let opportunities to help others pass. Abdoulaye is also a peer mentor for fellow students with autism. He spends hours a week helping them with academics, working with them to set their uniforms, and advocating for them.
Abdoulaye plans to use his growing leadership skills and Frankford’s world culture curriculum to help him achieve in the Army, and in college where he expects to do something in math — his favorite subject. “I like to keep busy,” Abdoulaye humbly quips, as if his natural gifts and achievements are not a big deal. But he is a big deal ladies and gentlemen, who will do very big things!
We had the opportunity to chat with Abdoulaye to learn more. Here’s what he shared:
What does being nominated as Senior of the Month mean to you? At first I was just surprised – I said “who me?” But, I think it just means I’m doing all the right things. That I’m on the right track for what I want to be, where I want to go. It’s validating.
You were nominated by your counselor Sergeant Fraioli. Explain your relationship to him? He’s like a granddad to me. He treats me like I’m family; I can go to him to talk if I need anything. He’ll help me with college applications, he keeps an eye on me and helps me stay on track.
“It goes both ways,” admitted Sergeant Fraioli, “he’s just as helpful to me! He just taught me how to text!”
What is one thing you’d like to share about yourself that most people don’t know about you? I like to help people when they need me. Everyone needs help sometimes. I like the feeling of being in the right place at the right time to help.
What do you enjoy most when you are not at school? I’d always rather be doing something rather than just sitting around. I love sports and could always be playing sports. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends, or listening to music. I’m a fan of rap, Lil Baby is my current favorite.
What is the best thing about attending school at Frankford High School? The classes here focus on leadership, military history, world history, world cultures and political science – and our ROTC program. I take it all really seriously because I want to go into the army. As I pursue that dream, everything I’m learning will stay with me.
What is one thing that the School District could do to improve our service to students? I know we got a lot of kids laptops during COVID but I’d still like to see all kids get access to computers and internet service.
Best of luck to you Abdoulaye, we know you’re going to do great things!