Discipline Office – Staff

Office of Student Discipline

The Discipline Office oversees the School District of Philadelphia Code of Conduct and is responsible for supporting schools in upholding the Code in their schools.

  • Click here to read and review the 2023-2024 Behavior Matrix.

We seek to guide schools in implementing restorative discipline practices in an effort to reduce exclusionary discipline that disproportionally impacts marginalized communities, especially black and brown youth.

In our disciplinary hearing process, we work to ensure ALL students, families and school partners feel heard, safe and supported.

District Staff

Team Contact Information

Includes school support assignments as well as contact information

This document is intended to help school leaders implement a Restorative Progressive Discipline process that is aligned with SDP’s discipline philosophy and that helps maintain safe environments for all students. You can also use this guide as a go-to resource bank for responses and interventions to accompany the behavior matrix. A PDF version of the behavior matrix can be found at the end of the document.

Agenda for facilitating a restorative conference with student and family

Templates for schools to use to create their own behavior contracts to address student behavior.

Includes process for submitting disciplinary hearing referrals for grades 6-12, as well as all corresponding documents

Behavior Performance Review (BPR): Must be completed for all regular education students. This is a NEW and updated version of the BPR.

Notice of Disciplinary Hearing Referral: This is a parent letter that must be provided to the parent/guardian prior to or during the reinstatement conference to inform them of due process and their rights.

Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) Referral Form: Must be completed and signed by both student and parent/guardian. Please see sample for completion expectations.

Witness statements: Must include a statement for each student and/or staff member involved in the incident, or who witnessed the incident.

Notice of Suspension: Generated by the school through SIS

Student Assistance Program (SAP): Referral form is specific to the school’s provider. See P&I website for more details.

Includes information on the discipline hearing process and how to prepare.

Includes a safety plan template and example supports for building your safety plan.

Includes process and procedures for K-12 students who have brought a weapon to school property

Includes guidance on SIS resolutions and information as it relates to discipline hearing process

Includes process and forms for submitting a safety interim request pending hearing or 45 day placement for students with an IEP/504 who meet one of the 3 special circumstances.

Includes external resources and information, such as community organizations.