An important message from the School District regarding 32BJ SEIU District 1201

August 22, 2022
Dear School District of Philadelphia Families,
On Saturday, August 20, the members of 32BJ SEIU District 1201 voted to authorize a strike. This is the union that represents our valued staff members who are vital to the operation of our schools, including but not limited to our bus drivers, building engineers, cleaning and maintenance staff, and tradespeople. It’s important to know that the vote to authorize a strike does not mean that the union will definitely go on strike. This means they have the approval of their members to do so if desired. Under Pennsylvania law, the earliest a strike could occur is on Thursday, September 1st.
We deeply value the work of our staff who are represented by 32BJ SEIU District 1201. We continue to actively participate in conversations and negotiations to secure a new contract as soon as possible. We hope to do so without disruption to in-person learning as we begin the new school year.
Because, simply put, I know how much we all want our students to have a safe and welcoming start to the new school year after several difficult years.
I know how important it is for you to have as much information as possible as you prepare your family for a return to a new school year and we will keep you informed as negotiations progress. For now, I hope you enjoy the remaining week of summer vacation!
In partnership for children,
Tony B. Watlington Sr., Ed.D.
The School District of Philadelphia