Posted on January 9, 2024
Categories: Student of the Month

In the heart of Mastbaum High School, a spark of extraordinary talent shines bright. Meet Liaralis Santiago, our adored Carpentry senior, a beacon of inspiration, and our Senior of the Month. Amidst the noise of power tools and winds of sawdust, Liaralis stands out as one of the only four females in our trades programs, and she is the best!

Her admirable diligence and meticulous attention to detail have set a new bar in the world of carpentry. Always punctual, dependable, and reliable, Liaralis turns every opportunity into a stepping stone towards excellence. She is the epitome of dedication, whether it’s managing the carpentry shop’s equipment or assisting her juniors, Liaralis is ever-present and ever-helpful.

Currently, she’s honing her skills in the ACE Engineering Mentoring Program and Union DC21/Finishing Trades Institute, where her exceptional performance earned her an extra five months of advanced training. But her talents aren’t confined to the workshop. She’s equally outstanding in the classroom, a bilingual honor student, and an athlete, proving her dominance in every field.

The Philadelphia Eagles and the District recognized her remarkable efforts, naming her the Female Scholar-Athlete of the Year. As a Mastbaum student ambassador, she exhibits the value of a Mastbaum education, inspiring everyone around her.

Liaralis Santiago, a dedicated carpenter, a scholar, an athlete, and an ambassador, is an extraordinary young woman who makes us all proud. She is an excellent example of determination and perseverance, inspiring us to strive for greatness every day. We salute and congratulate her for being the Senior of the Month. Let her story inspire you to reach for excellence in everything you do.

We asked Liaralis some of our favorite questions:

1. What does being named Senior of the Month mean to you?

It’s kind of shocking but at the same time, it’s not, you know? I’m doing so many things because I wanna succeed in life, I didn’t exactly expect to get this big you know? It really means a lot that people me and who I am, but sometimes its a bit overwhelming.

2. Why do you think you were nominated for Senior of the Month?

I was nominated because I’m a hard-working person, always positive with a big smile on my face. On time and ready for the next big thing. When you put in the dedication and the hard work, the effort to do what needs to get done you get results and almost 100% of the time they’re good outcomes.

3. You were nominated by Jonathan Jacobs. Explain your relationship to him/her. Why do you think s/he nominated you specifically?

I was nominated by Jacobs, he helps me and all the other CTE shops get jobs. My relationship with him I would say would be boss?

4. What is one thing you’d like to share about yourself that most people don’t know about you?

So many people are looking up to me and hoping that I don’t fail. Speaking to all these people and giving a few words to a younger audience, but deep down I’m just an 18-year-old in a CTE school who just got lucky. I’m shy, I thought that this would go right by and Id be on my way into the workforce but no, I’m here writing a note for you and things didn’t turn out how I had planned, but now I’m not as lonely or shy as I originally thought id be throughout my high school years, thank you for contributing to that.

5. What do you enjoy most when you are not at school?

I love writing and when I’m not writing I play video games like every other kid.

6. In your opinion, what is the best thing about attending school at Mastbaum?

The carpentry program at Mastbaum, that’s why everyone is here in the first place, a CTE school, where you can learn a trade. I love the people I work with, different personalities. We all just bond with one another and bust each other’s chops, get under each other’s skin, but if we arent then that’ means we don’t love you know?

7. In your opinion, what is one thing that the School District could do to improve our service to students?

please, fund CTE schools. They give people more opportunities than regular public schools. They help kids get opportunities and good-paying job careers because that is what they are, careers. People need to boost the popularity of schools like my own.