Posted on March 5, 2024
Categories: Student of the Month

Jazzani Gerena, the youngest of four sisters, has a vibrant presence that lights up any room, much like her own sparkling personality. As a high school senior at Girls High, Jazzani has truly come into her own, discovering her identity and carving out a niche where her artistic passions have flourished over the years. Her journey through high school saw her transition from uncertainty to a confident young woman with a clear voice and a deep love for art, which has become both her refuge. Her journey is marked by personal growth and academic strides, culminating in a well-deserved recognition as Senior of the Month for March 2024.

Jazzani’s drive to succeed is evident in her academic success and her impressive involvement in a wide array of extracurricular activities. As a dedicated member of the school’s International Baccalaureate Diploma program, she has tackled the most challenging courses with determination and a commitment to excellence. Her leadership shines through in programs like the Service Club, where she serves as Vice President, and the Ambassadors Program, where she represents her school with pride. Jazzani’s unique flair extends beyond the classroom as she channels her creativity into art as her work is on display at her school. Her artistic creativity also extends into fashion, as she designed her own prom dress for junior year and is currently setting her sights on a new creation for graduation.

Her ambition is not limited to the arts; Jazzani is also working her way through real estate courses, aiming to secure her license in Pennsylvania this year. This forward-thinking approach reflects her desire to blend her love for art with a savvy business sense. Jazzani’s artwork, which graces the halls of her school, is a testament to her talent and a glimpse into a bright future that lies ahead.

According to her nominator, a teacher at Girls High, Megan McNamara, “She embodies everything that we hope an International Baccalaureate (IB) student would be. She’s very caring, she’s very community-minded. She’s also super open-minded…she’s very engaged in class and very ethical about her choices. I just admire her as a person.”

Her mother who is an educator said, “I’m just very proud of her bravery. She’s not afraid to speak her opinion…I am so proud of her. She has gone beyond any expectations that I’ve had of her.”

Congratulations, Jazzani, for your outstanding achievements and for inspiring those around you with your remarkable journey.

We asked Jazzani some of our favorite questions: 

1. What does being named Senior of the Month mean to you?

To mean, being named Senior of the Month is a label of recognition for all the efforts and hardships I’ve gone through throughout my high school career. Especially junior year. I have spent a lot of time trying to create an identity for myself that encapsulates the features of a student who is worth looking up to and learning from.

2. Why do you think you were nominated for Senior of the Month? 

For one, I think I have displayed a lot of resilience when it comes to balancing academic, extracurricular, and personal activities in my day-to-day life. Most of all though, I think my personality and the impression it makes on people make me distinguishable.

3. Explain your relationship to Ms. Megan McNamara. Why do you think s/he nominated you specifically?

Ms.Mac has been my teacher and friend for the past 2 school years. I think we clicked because she is really easy to talk to and has a pretty good sense of humor. That being said, I think she nominated me because I share most of the steps and milestones I’ve gone through with her, so she has a lot of insight into how I carry myself during these processes.

4. What is one thing you’d like to share about yourself that most people don’t know about you?

I’m really interested in pursuing a career in fashion as a dressmaker somewhere down the line.

5. What do you enjoy most when you are not at school? 

I enjoy learning and practicing different forms of creative expression. In the past few months, my favorites have been darkroom photography, glass blowing, and printmaking. I also like visiting museums and trying new restaurants throughout the city. Oh and doing my hair and makeup of course.

6. In your opinion, what is the best thing about attending school at Philadelphia High School for Girls? 

The best thing about attending school at Girl’s High is the sense of community and acceptance.

7. In your opinion, what is one thing that the School District could do to improve our service to  students?

Definitely communication on events that happen in the district good or bad so that everyone is in the loop.