This year, business, marketing, and accounting CTE students from George Washington, Northeast, Lincoln, MLK, Roxborough, Dobbins, and FLC participated in SuitUp, a business competition yielding the winning team participants $25.00 Amazon gift cards.
SuitUp is a 501(c)(3) education non-profit that increases career readiness for all students through innovative virtual and in-person business competitions. Through SuitUp, students experience solving a realistic corporate challenge, such as designing a new product for Nike or a new podcast for Spotify. They work with corporate volunteers who coach them on marketing, design, financing, and strategy, before helping them pitch virtually to judges for a cash prize. By the end of the experience, students can see the corporate world as part of “their world” and know that job titles, such as CEO, CFO, VP of Marketing, etc. are now in their grasp.
On Wednesday, 5/3 a freshman team from MLK High School won 1st Place against powerhouse teams from George Washington and Lincoln High School. The winning team presented Gen Z LeDgendZ, a podcast focused on connecting students and their parents about topics that are confusing to each other. They described the benefit of the show as a way to bridge the gap between the generations about clothing, shoes, social media, music, and other important topics. The team members Christopher Ellison-Owen, Quasir Burno, and Rakin Martinez under the direction of their teacher, Mr. Verlin blew away the judges with their collaboration, presentation skills, and quick thinking. Targetability, Marketability, and Profitability were highlighted which made their presentation stand out.
For more information about SuitUp or how you can participate, reach out to Denise Magasich,