District Employees and Finance

Click below to expand the table to view a description of the data and download a data set for a specific school year. You can also download a Zip file that contains all available years for a specific District Employees and Finance category.

The public release of this data supports our goals to promote greater transparency and community engagement. Before accessing these data, please review the Terms and Conditions.

Information includes: Vendor identifier and name, Activity Name, Amount of Expenditures Spent, etc. The data set covers the Fiscal Year calendar, starting from July 1st and ending on June 30th. Please note that this data set was erroneously labeled as a Calendar Year data set from January 1st to December 31st prior to the FY 2022 file upload. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused and have updated the labels and provided the README files for each data file to accurately reflect its contents.

Last Refreshed: Feb 2024 | Next Update: Jan 2025

Fiscal YearFile TypeFile Size
2023 Fiscal YearCSV475 KB
2022 Fiscal YearCSV410 KB
2021 Fiscal YearCSV233 KB
2020 Fiscal YearCSV211 KB
2019 Fiscal YearCSV223 KB
2018 Fiscal YearCSV216 KB
2017 Fiscal YearCSV215 KB
2016 Fiscal YearCSV209 KB
2015 Fiscal YearCSV197 KB
2014 Fiscal YearCSV148 KB

These data files include information on all active employees of the School District of Philadelphia, including name, pay rate, title, and location.

Note: This data does not include Charter Schools.

Last Refreshed: Jul 2024 | Next Update: Oct 2024

School YearFile TypeFile Size
SY 2024-2025Zip file616 KB
SY 2023-2024Zip file2.1 MB
SY 2022-2023Zip file1.8 MB
SY 2021-2022Zip file1.8 MB
SY 2020-2021Zip file1.7 MB
SY 2019-2020Zip file1.7 MB
SY 2018-2019Zip file1.5 MB
SY 2017-2018Zip file1.2 MB
SY 2016-2017Zip file1.5 MB
SY 2015-2016Zip file1.5 MB
SY 2014-2015Zip file1.1 MB
All Available YearsZip file15.7 MB

The Teacher Attendance files contain three metrics: Average Daily Attendance (ADA), 90% or more attendance (90%+), and 95% or more attendance (95%+). Please reference the business rules provided in the data information document for more details on these metrics.

The Average Daily Attendance (ADA) calculation aggregates absences recorded for all employees in teacher positions and compares them to the total number of contracted days for teachers.

The 95% or more attendance (95%+) metric displays the percentage of teachers who were present for at least 95% of contracted days.

Within Month district level file includes 90%+ and ADA where the attendance rate is calculated for each month based on attendance records. This file refreshes quarterly.

Important: Previously published teacher Average Daily Attendance (ADA) files are still available as an archive version, but the calculations do not reflect the current business rules.


  1. This data does not include charter schools.
  2. All K-12 district schools are included in the calculations, including PVA and Widener, which do not receive an SPR.

School-Level Attendance: Last Refreshed: Apr 2024 | Next Update: Spring 2025

District-Level Attendance: Last Refreshed: Apr 2024 | Next Update: Spring 2025

District-Level Monthly Attendance: Last Refreshed: May 2024 | Next Update: Aug 2024

School YearAggregation TypeFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
SY 2012-2013 through 2022-2023School-LevelCSV132 KBData Information
SY 2012-2013 through 2022-2023District-LevelCSV1 KBData Information
SY 2019-2020 through 2023-2024District-Level Within MonthCSV3 KBpending
Archive - ADA SY 2012-2013 through 2015-2016School and District-LevelZip file17 KBNot Available

Teacher Demographics files contain the number and percentages of teachers in each racial/ethnic and gender category.


  1. This data does not include charter schools.
  2. The snapshot date is October 31st for each school year.

Last Refreshed: Jan 2024 | Next Update: Dec 2024

School YearAggregation TypeFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
SY 2016-2017 through 2023-2024District-LevelCSV8 KBData Information

School Leader Demographics file contains the number and percentages of principals and assistant principals in each racial/ethnic and gender category.


  1. This data does not include charter schools.
  2. The snapshot date is October 31st for each school year.

Last Refreshed: Jan 2024 | Next Update: Dec 2024

School YearAggregation TypeFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
SY 2016-2017 through 2023-2024District-LevelCSV6 KBData Information

Click below to download School Budgets or District Budget from fiscal year 2015.

For more information about recent District and School budgets, please visit the Office of Management & Budget.

School Budget: Last refreshed: 2023-2024 | Next Update: 2024-2025

District Budget: Last refreshed: 2014-2015 | Next Update: Discontinued

Fiscal YearBudget TypeFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
2024 Fiscal YearSchoolZip172 MBN/A
2023 Fiscal YearSchoolZip164 MBN/A
2022 Fiscal YearSchoolZip53 MBN/A
2021 Fiscal YearSchoolZip136 MBN/A
2020 Fiscal YearSchoolZip127 MBN/A
2019 Fiscal YearSchoolZip22 MBN/A
2015 Fiscal YearDistrictCSV92 KBData Information

Click below to download Full Time Employee (FTE) counts.

Last refreshed: 2015-2016 | Next Update: Discontinued

Fiscal YearFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
2014 and 2015CSV49 KBData Information

For questions about these data sets, please contact us at: opendata@philasd.org

Are you using this data for your research? We’d love to learn more about your work!