School Information

Click below to expand the table to view a description of the data and download a data set for a specific school year. You can also download a Zip file that contains all available years for a specific School Information category.

The public release of this data supports our goals to promote greater transparency and community engagement. Before accessing these data, please review the Terms and Conditions.

Click below to view a current Master file of all District, Charter, and Alternative Schools in operation in the School District. Examples of information within the file include: School code, Publication name, School level, Governance, Career and Technical Education (CTE) Status, etc. There is also a Longitudinal file of all District and Charter Schools from 2001-2002 to 2016-2017. Note: Although these school lists are similar, they do not encompass all of the same information. The Longitudinal file is not an appended version of the Master School List.

Last Refreshed: Oct 2023 | Next Update: Sept 2024

School YearFile TypeFile Size
SY 2023-2024CSV153 KB
SY 2022-2023CSV154 KB
SY 2021-2022CSV163 KB
SY 2020-2021CSV162 KB
SY 2019-2020CSV161 KB
SY 2018-2019CSV161 KB
SY 2017-2018Excel XLSX134 KB
SY 2001-2002 through SY 2016-2017Excel XLSX955 KB

Click below for files that provide School-level enrollment numbers as of Oct 1st, sorted by school and grade. Student subgroups include All Students, Gender, Ethnicity, and EL, IEP, and CEP status. Student Ethnicity breakouts do not include students with unknown ethnicity; student Gender breakouts do not include non-binary students or students with unknown gender information. Note: School years prior to 2019-2020 do not include Charter Schools.

For more information:

Last Refreshed: Dec 2023 | Next Update: Nov 2024

School YearFile TypeFile Size
SY 2023-2024CSV481 KB
SY 2022-2023CSV446 KB
SY 2021-2022CSV469 KB
SY 2020-2021CSV468 KB
SY 2019-2020CSV467 KB
SY 2018-2019Excel XLSX325 KB
SY 2017-2018Excel XLSX750 KB
SY 2016-2017Excel XLSX634 KB
SY 2015-2016Excel XLS333 KB
SY 2014-2015Excel XLSX510 KB
SY 2013-2014Excel XLSX509 KB
SY 2012-2013Excel XLSX552 KB
SY 2011-2012Excel XLSX565 KB
SY 2010-2011Excel XLSX485 KB
SY 2009-2010Excel XLSX580 KB
All Available YearsZip file6 MB

Click below for files that provide District-wide enrollment numbers as of Oct 1st, sorted by grade. Student subgroups include All Students, Gender, Ethnicity, and ELL, IEP, and CEP status. Student Ethnicity breakouts do not include students with unknown ethnicity; student Gender breakouts do not include non-binary students or students with unknown gender information. Note: files for SY 2019-2020 and onward include District, Alternative, Charter and Non Public Special Education enrollment numbers. All data prior to SY 2019-2020 only include District schools.

For more information:

Last Refreshed: Dec 2023 | Next Update: Nov 2024

School YearFile TypeFile Size
SY 2023-2024CSV13 KB
SY 2022-2023CSV12 KB
SY 2021-2022CSV12 KB
SY 2020-2021CSV12 KB
SY 2019-2020CSV13 KB
SY 2018-2019Excel XLSX12 KB
SY 2017-2018Excel XLSX24 KB
SY 2016-2017Excel XLSX25 KB
All Available YearsZip file79 KB

Click below for information on Pre-K Schools in the Philadelphia School System. Includes School Code, School Name, Address, Phone Number, etc. Note: this data does not include Charter Schools.

Starting  2019-2020, ECH Partners are included. Previous school year files may be updated to reflect the same at a later date.

Last Refreshed: Aug 2024 | Next Update: Nov 2024

School YearFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
SY 2022-2023Excel XLSX26 KBIncludes ECH partners and District-run Pre-K programs
SY 2021-2022CSV30 KBIncludes ECH partners and District-run Pre-K programs
SY 2020-2021CSV29 KBIncludes ECH partners and District-run Pre-K programs
SY 2019-2020CSV29 KBIncludes ECH partners and District-run Pre-K programs
SY 2018-2019CSV19 KBN/A
SY 2017-2018Excel XLSX28 KBN/A
SY 2013-2014CSV20 KBData Information
All Available YearsZip file65 KBN/A

School District Catchments and Related schools can be found HERE.

The first column of this table provides the name of the elementary school catchment. Reading left to right for schools will provide a visual of lower grade schools feeding into higher grade schools. Students living in the e.g. “Adaire Catchment Area” are feeding into “Penn Treaty HS” for grades 9 through 12.

Click below for files that include the catchment areas for Elementary, Middle, and High Schools. The shapefiles require a Geographic Information System (GIS) software to properly display the school catchment areas.


  1. This data does not include Charter Schools.
  2. Kensington High School, Kensington CAPA, and Kensington Health Sciences share a catchment area as of 2016-2017, when Kensington HS opened.  For this reason, all students living in this area are assigned to the Kensington HS catchment and catchment metrics do not include students attending either CAPA or Health Sciences.
    Please note, for the 2013-2014, 2014-2015, and 2015-2016 catchment files on Open Data, Kensington Business (now closed), Kensington Urban (now closed), Kensington CAPA, and Kensington Health shared a catchment area; all students living in the area were assigned to Kensington Business catchment.

Last Refreshed: Apr 2024 | Next Update: Spring 2025

School YearFile ContentFile TypeFile Size
SY 2023-2024ShapefileZip file567 KB
SY 2022-2023ShapefileZip file541 KB
SY 2021-2022ShapefileZip file1165 KB
SY 2020-2021ShapefileZip file1163 KB
SY 2019-2020ShapefileZip file610 KB
SY 2018-2019ShapefileZip file613 KB
SY 2017-2018ShapefileZip file725 KB
SY 2016-2017ShapefileZip file723 KB
SY 2015-2016ShapefileZip file716 KB
SY 2014-2015ShapefileZip file967 KB
SY 2013-2014ShapefileZip file502 KB
SY 2012-2013ShapefileZip file733 KB
All Available YearsShapefileZip file8 MB
SY 2021-2022Google Keyhole Markup LanguageKMZ276 KB
SY 2020-2021Google Keyhole Markup LanguageKMZ277 KB
SY 2019-2020Google Keyhole Markup LanguageKMZ282 KB

Click below for files that include catchment retention details for district, charter, and alternative schools. The Catchment Retention Details report provides enrollment and catchment related details for each school for students enrolled on October 1 of that year.

The files correspond to the Catchments tab on the interactive Enrollment data website.

Visit our interactive Enrollment data website to further explore our enrollment data, including annual trends, student demographics, catchment details, and maps.


  1. Data reflect students’ last recorded address in the District’s student information system at the time of the enrollment snapshot.
  2. This data does not include Non Public Special Education schools.
  3. Kensington High School, Kensington CAPA, and Kensington Health Sciences share a catchment area as of 2016-2017, when Kensington HS opened. For this reason, all students living in this area are assigned to the Kensington HS catchment and catchment metrics do not include students attending either CAPA or Health Sciences.

Last Refreshed: Dec 2023 | Next Update: Dec 2024

School YearFile TypeFile Size
SY 2023-2024CSV36 KB
SY 2022-2023CSV37 KB
SY 2021-2022CSV44 KB
SY 2020-2021CSV43 KB
SY 2019-2020CSV45 KB
SY 2018-2019CSV40 KB
SY 2017-2018CSV39 KB
SY 2016-2017CSV39 KB

Click below for files that include catchment retention counts grouped by school or by catchment area for students enrolled on October 1 of that year. Both report types include district, charter, and alternative schools.

The files correspond to the Catchments tab on the interactive Enrollment data website.

Visit our interactive Enrollment data website to further explore our enrollment data, including annual trends, student demographics, catchment details, and maps.


  1. Data reflect students’ last recorded address in the District’s student information system at the time of the enrollment snapshot.
  2. This data does not include Non Public Special Education schools.
  3. Kensington High School, Kensington CAPA, and Kensington Health Sciences share a catchment area as of 2016-2017, when Kensington HS opened.  For this reason, all students living in this area are assigned to the Kensington HS catchment and catchment metrics do not include students attending either CAPA or Health Sciences.

Last Refreshed: Dec 2023 | Next Update: Dec 2024

School YearData TypeFile TypeFile Size
SY 2023-2024Counts by SchoolCSV1 MB
SY 2022-2023Counts by SchoolCSV1 MB
SY 2021-2022Counts by SchoolCSV1 MB
SY 2020-2021Counts by SchoolCSV1 MB
SY 2019-2020Counts by SchoolCSV1 MB
SY 2018-2019Counts by SchoolCSV1 MB
SY 2017-2018Counts by SchoolCSV1 MB
SY 2016-2017Counts by SchoolCSV1 MB
SY 2023-2024Counts by CatchmentCSV1 MB
SY 2022-2023Counts by CatchmentCSV1 MB
SY 2021-2022Counts by CatchmentCSV1 MB
SY 2020-2021Counts by CatchmentCSV1 MB
SY 2019-2020Counts by CatchmentCSV1 MB
SY 2018-2019Counts by CatchmentCSV1 MB
SY 2017-2018Counts by CatchmentCSV1 MB
SY 2016-2017Counts by CatchmentCSV1 MB

Click below to download a Zip file that contains Student, Parent/Guardian, Teacher, Principal, and Support Staff results and response rates from the Philly School Experience Survey. Note that data for each respondent group or level of aggregation (i.e. school, network, sector) is available only when a minimum response rate threshold is met.

Cross-Sectional data files: These files are for those interested in responses to particular questions in a given year. The files display the number and percentage of respondents selecting each response option for each question. For 2021-2022 and after, the results are aggregated by school, network, sector, and for all respondents. Prior to 2021-2022, the results are aggregated by school only. To download all years, select “All Available Years.”

For longitudinal data, please see our process for submitting a data request.

For more information:

  • Visit our interactive Philly School Experience Survey dashboard to further explore survey data, including Board Goals and Guardrails highlights, topic and subtopic details, responses to individual questions, and survey response rates.
  • Visit the Philly School Experience Survey home page for technical documentation, research reports, printable school summaries, and more.

Last Update: Dec 2023 | Next Refresh: Aug 2024

School YearObservation TypeFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
SY 2022-2023Cross-SectionalZip file5 MB
SY 2021-2022Cross-SectionalZip file6 MB
SY 2020-2021Cross-SectionalZip file4 MB
SY 2019-2020Cross-SectionalZip file4 MB
SY 2018-2019Cross-SectionalZip file4 MBErratum
SY 2017-2018Cross-SectionalZip file4 MB
SY 2016-2017Cross-SectionalZip file5 MB
SY 2015-2016Cross-SectionalZip file4 MB
SY 2014-2015Cross-SectionalZip file3 MB
All Available YearsAllZip file38 MBErratum

This file contains data from the Youth Risk Behavior Study (YRBS) administered in Philadelphia and includes anonymous responses from a random sample of students in grades 9-12.


  • The survey codebook is necessary to interpret the results and is available in Data Information.
  • In accordance with CDC requirements, data does not include school identifiers.

For more information:

  • Visit the CDC’s YRBSS website to learn about survey administrations across the country.
  • Visit our Youth Risk Behavior Survey home page for research reports, printable posters and brochures, and more.

Last Update: 2022 | Next Refresh: 2024

YearFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
2021Excel XLSX1.1 MBData Information
2019Excel XLSX1.0 MBData Information
2017Excel XLSX1.3 MBData Information
2015Excel XLSX1.5 MBData Information
2013Excel XLSX1 MBData Information

School Reopening Survey

Click below to download a Zip file that contains respondent level student, parent/guardian/community member, and school-based/central office SDP staff response data from the School Reopening survey. For more information on the surveys and the aggregate results please see:

Hybrid vs. Digital Curriculum Selection

Click below for the results of the Phase 1 enrollment in hybrid or digital curriculum. Phase 1 included grades PreK through 2 in District schools and Early Childhood programs only.

Reopening Readiness Dashboard

For more information regarding school reopening please see our Reopening Readiness Dashboard:

Last Update: Dec 2020

DateData TypeFile TypeFile SizeData Information
June 2020School Reopening SurveyZip file9.7MBSurvey Questionnaires
November 2020Hybrid Learning SelectionExcel XLSX120 KBN/A

School Selection – Application Details: The Application Details files contain, for each sending and receiving school pair, the number of student applications, number of program offers, and number of student acceptances for all criteria-based and citywide admission schools in the School District of Philadelphia.

School Selection – Applicant Demographics: The Applicant Demographics files include district and school level applicant data by applicant demographics.

For more information, view our research reports related to school selection.

Last Update: Jan 2024 | Next Update: Dec 2024

School YearData TypeFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
2023-2024Application DetailsCSV608 KB
2022-2023Application DetailsCSV739 KB
2021-2022Application DetailsCSV455 KBData Information
2020-2021Application DetailsCSV565 KB
2019-2020Application DetailsCSV591 KB
2018-2019Application DetailsCSV565 KB
2017-2018Application DetailsCSV554 KB
2023-2024Applicant DemographicsXLSX66 KB
2022-2023Applicant DemographicsXLSX68 KBErratum
2021-2022Applicant DemographicsXLSX67 KB
2020-2021Applicant DemographicsXLSX72 KB
2019-2020Applicant DemographicsXLSX72 KB
2018-2019Applicant DemographicsXLSX72 KB

Click below for a longitudinal file that contains school-level information about average yearly rates of student participation in school meals programs.

These rates are calculated using publicly available information from the Pennsylvania Department of Education about school meal distributions, as well as District enrollment and attendance data.

School-level data are provided for District schools for school years 2013-14 through 2019-20. Please note that the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years are unavailable due to COVID-related school closures.

The data includes school year, ULCS code, site ID, school name, student enrollment, average daily attendance rate, number of reachable students, average number of breakfasts and lunches served per day, and calculated breakfast and lunch participation rates. A Notes tab contains further description of the data sources and calculations that are provided in the data file.

For more information, view our research reports related to school breakfast.

Last update: May 2024 | Next update: May 2025

School YearFile TypeFile Size
2013-14 through 2022-23Excel XLSX230 KB

Click below for files that contain school-level information about household food insecurity status. This information is based on responses to questions about food insecurity that appear on the parent/guardian Philly School Experience Survey (PSES). All schools that met the minimum response rate threshold for the parent/guardian survey are included. The data includes ULCS code, school name, survey response rate, the number of respondents who answered questions about food insecurity, and the number and percentage of respondents who were classified as having very low food security, low food security, and high or marginal food security.

Additional tabs contain a description of the methods used to classify household food insecurity as well as information about the specific PSES questions used for this purpose.

Food insecurity classifications were assigned according to procedures published by the USDA. For more information about food insecurity categories, refer to the USDA website here.

For more information:

Last Update: Dec 2023 | Next Update: Nov 2024

School YearFile TypeFile Size
2022-2023Excel XLSX119 KB
2021-2022Excel XLSX116 KB
2020-2021Excel XLSX100 KB
2019-2020Excel XLSX38 KB

For questions about these data sets, please contact us at

Are you using this data for your research? We’d love to learn more about your work!