School Performance

Click below to expand the table to view a description of the data and download a data set for a specific school year. You can also download a Zip file that contains all available years for a specific School Performance category.

The public release of this data supports our goals to promote greater transparency and community engagement. Before accessing these data, please review the Terms and Conditions.

File structured as one row per school-report-metric from the School Progress Report on Education and Equity (SPREE). Example metrics include: Student Attendance, Graduation Rates, and PSSA/Keystone results. Use the link in the sidebar to view more information about the SPREE.

Visit our interactive SPREE dashboard to further explore school performance data, including trends (forthcoming), individual metric scores for schools and subgroups, maps, and an online version of the school reports.

Last Refreshed: Apr 2024 | Next Update: Spring 2025

School YearFile TypeFile Size
2022-2023CSV13.9 MB
2021-2022CSV12.5 MB
2020-2021CSV11 MB

File structured as one row per school-report from the School Progress Report. Example Metrics include: PSSA Math Prof/Adv, Retention, Out of School Suspension, Graduate, Attendance. Use the link in the sidebar to view individual School Progress Reports.

For more information:

  • Visit our interactive SPR dashboard to further explore school performance data, including annual trends, domain and metric scores, maps, an online version of the school reports, and the SPR Calculator.
  • View our research reports related to the SPR.

Last Refreshed: Feb 2020 | Next Update: Discontinued

School YearFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
SY 2018-2019Excel XLSX892 KBData Information
SY 2017-2018Excel XLSX859 KBData Information
SY 2016-2017Excel XLSX736 KBData Information
SY 2015-2016Excel XLSX773 KBData Information
SY 2014-2015Excel XLSX753 KBData Information
SY 2013-2014Excel XLS643 KBData Information
SY 2013-2014 (District Level)Excel XLSX9 KBData Information
SY 2012-2013CSV389 KBData Information
SPR Year-over-YearExcel XLSX11 MBN/A
All Available YearsZip file7.0 MBN/A

Click the button below to access the District SPOTlight, a summary of district-wide performance outcomes on key measures. The SPOTlight was first released after the 2022-2023 school year and contains data starting from SY2021-2022. Note: This data does not include Charter Schools.

Previously, district-wide outcomes were summarized on the District Scorecard, which remains available as a reference here but is no longer being updated. SY2019-2020 data was limited due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, so a limited summary of outcomes for that year is also available in an archived format here.

Last Refreshed: Apr 2024 | Next Update: Spring 2025

File that includes program results from the Alternative Education Progress Report. Example metrics include: Credit Accumulation, Annual Graduation, Attendance.

For more information, view our research reports related to the AEPR.

Last Refreshed: Oct 2024 | Next Update: Sep 2025

School YearFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
SY 2022-2023Excel XLSX72 KBData Information
SY 2021-2022Excel XLSX95 KBData Information
SY 2020-2021Excel XLSX90 KBData Information
SY 2019-2020Excel XLSX59 KBData Information
SY 2018-2019Excel XLSX68 KBData Information
SY 2017-2018Excel XLSX74 KBData Information
SY 2016-2017Excel XLSX12 MBData Information

Performance on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) for all district schools by grade. Performance is provided as counts and percentage for Below Basic, Basic Proficient, Advanced, and Proficient/Advanced scores. The following subgroups are also provided: English Language Learner (ELL), Special Education (IEP) status, Gender, Ethnicity, and Economically disadvantaged.

Data is disaggregated by category (e.g., Gender) and group (e.g., Female). Information is suppressed (and a letter “s” appears) if the number of students in the group (the denominator) is fewer than 20. If only one group within a category has fewer than 20 students, the data for the next-smallest group within the category is also suppressed.

An important note about results for SY 2019-2020 and SY 2020-2021: Due to COVID-19 school closures, the PSSA and Keystone exams were not administered in Spring 2020 (for SY 2019-20). In SY 2020-21, due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic, students were 100% virtual for most of the school year. SY 2020-21 PSSA & Keystone participation was low, and therefore, results are not published here. To learn more about district-wide assessments administered in SY 2020-2021, view this issue brief.


  1. This data does not include Charter Schools.
  2. This data includes PASA tests.

For more information:

Last Refreshed: Nov 2023 | Next Update: Oct 2024

This longitudinal open data file includes information about the graduation rates for the district broken out by: aggregation level (including alternative schools or excluding alternative schools), graduation rate type (four-year, five-year, or six-year), demographic category (EL status, IEP status, Economically Disadvantaged Status, Gender, or Ethnicity), and ninth-grade cohort.

The “Graduation Rate – Including Alternative Schools” includes traditional District K-12 schools, alternative education schools, Philadelphia Virtual Academy, and Widener Memorial School. The “Graduation Rate – Excluding Alternative Schools” includes traditional District K-12 schools, Philadelphia Virtual Academy, and Widener Memorial School only.

Students are attributed to the last school at which they actively attended in the respective graduation window, which ends on September 30 each year. Students are classified as EL, as having an IEP, and/or economically disadvantaged if they were designated as such at any point during their high school career. This file includes information for all ninth-grade cohorts dating back to the 2010-2011 ninth grade cohort.

For more information:

  • Visit our interactive College & Career dashboard to further explore our 9th grade on track, high school graduation, college matriculation and persistence data, including breakouts by subgroups, student grades, and type of college students enrolled in.
  • View our research reports related to high school graduation.

Last Refreshed: Apr 2024 | Next Update: Spring 2025

School Year9th Grade Cohort YearFile TypeFile Size
SY 2013-2014 through 2022-2023SY 2010-2011 through 2019-2020CSV101 KB
Special note: The 2017-2018 “Four-Year Cohort Graduation Rate – Excluding Alternative Schools” published on the District Scorecard did not include students who were last enrolled at a school that closed before the 2017-2018 school year. If it had, the 2017-2018 rate would have been 78% (rounded to the nearest integer). This open data file correctly identifies that the 4-Year Graduation Rate (Excluding Alternative Schools) for all students in the 2014-2015 cohort is 78.39%.

This longitudinal open data file includes information about the graduation rates for schools broken out by: graduation rate type (four-year, five-year, or six-year), demographic category (EL status, IEP status, Economically Disadvantaged Status, Gender, or Ethnicity), and ninth-grade cohort. Students are attributed to the last school at which they actively attended in the respective graduation window, which ends on September 30 each year. Students are classified as EL, as having an IEP, and/or economically disadvantaged if they were designated as such at any point during their high school career.

This file includes information for all ninth-grade cohorts dating back to the 2010-2011 ninth grade cohort. Previously published graduation Open Data files for earlier cohorts can be found in the Zip file archive. Note: this data does not include Charter Schools.

For more information:

  • Visit our interactive College & Career dashboard to further explore our 9th grade on track, high school graduation, college matriculation and persistence data, including breakouts by subgroups, student grades, and type of college students enrolled in.
  • View our research reports related to high school graduation.

Last Refreshed: Apr 2024 | Next Update: Spring 2025

School Year9th Grade Cohort YearFile TypeFile Size
SY 2013-2014 through 2022-2023SY 2010-2011 through 2019-2020CSV3.2 MB
SY 2009-2010 through 2012-2013SY 2006-2007 through 2009-2010Zip file550 KB

The files include, at the school level, the distribution of students across performance tiers based on the aimswebPlus and Star assessments, which measure student’s reading and math skills. Starting in 2020-21, aimswebPlus was required for students in grades K-5, and Star was required for students in grades 6-8. Special education students who were not exempted in their Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) took aimswebPlus in grades K-5, aimswebPlus and Star in grades 6-8, and Star in grades 9-12.

Starting in 2021-22, aimswebPlus was replaced by Star for students in all grades.

For more information:

Aimsweb: Last Refreshed: Feb 2021 | Next Update: Discontinued

Star: Last Refreshed: Feb 2021  | Next Update: Discontinued

School YearAssessmentContent AreaFile TypeFile Size
SY 2019-2020 through 2020-2021Aimsweb ReadingCSV26 KB
SY 2020-2021AimswebMathCSV13 KB
SY 2019-2020 through 2020-2021StarReadingCSV29 KB
SY 2019-2020 through 2020-2021
StarMathCSV29 KB

The 90% Attendance and Average Daily Attendance (ADA) within month files update quarterly. They are calculated by month at the District level, and each month is calculated mutually exclusive from other months.

The Average Daily Attendance (ADA) calculation aggregates the absences for all students recorded in the Student Information System (SIS) and compares them to the total number of possible attended days based on the enrollment records of each student at the school. All classifications and reasons for student absences are included in calculating the absences used to calculate ADA.

The 95% Attendance (District- and School-Level) files display the number and percentage of enrolled students in each grade that attended at least 95% of instructional days. The 95% Attendance – District file updates quarterly and is calculated cumulatively by month at the District level; the rate listed for June (except SY2019-20; see footnote 4) is the official year-end number for reporting and accountability purposes. The 95% Attendance – School is calculated cumulatively at year-end at the school level. All classifications and reasons for student absences are included in calculating absences used to calculate 95% Attendance.


  1. These data sets do not include Charter Schools.
  2. Data only includes students enrolled in the District/school for 10 or more days.
  3. Summing numerators and denominators in the school-level file will not result in the numbers listed in the District-level file. This is because the figures in the school file are school-specific, meaning (a) a student who transfers schools mid-year will generally be attributed to both schools in the school file, but only counted once in the District file; and (b) a student may have a 95% attendance rate at one school but a less-than-95% attendance rate when considering their attendance across all schools
  4. All Attendance file calculations for SY2019-2020 only consider data through March 13, 2020 due to state-wide COVID-19 school closures.
  5. Previously published files are available as a ZIP file archive.
  6. Due to retroactive cleaning of the data, subtle differences may occur between newly uploaded data files.

For more information:

90% Attendance within month – District: Last Refreshed: Oct 2024 | Next Update: Nov 2024

90% Attendance – School: Last Refreshed: Apr 2024 | Next Update: Spring 2025

ADA within month – District: Last Refreshed: Oct 2024 | Next Update: Nov 2024

ADA – School: Last Refreshed: Mar 2024 | Next Update: Nov 2024

95% Attendance cumulative by month – District: Last Refreshed: Oct 2024 | Next Update: Nov 2024

95% Attendance – School: Last Refreshed: Feb 2024 | Next Update: Nov 2024

School YearAttendance TypeAggregation TypeTime FrameFile TypeFile Size
SY 2020-2021 through 2023-202490% Attendance
within month
District-LevelMonthCSV58 KB
SY 2020-2021 through 2022-202390% AttendanceSchool-LevelYearCSV810 KB
SY 2020-2021 through 2023-2024Average Daily Attendance
within month
District-LevelMonthCSV48 KB
SY 2020-2021 through 2022-2023Average Daily AttendanceSchool-LevelYearCSV35 KB
SY 2020-2021 through 2023-202495% Attendance
cumulative by month
District-LevelMonthCSV58 KB
SY 2020-2021 through 2022-202395% AttendanceSchool-LevelYearCSV809 KB
Previously published filesArchiveDistrict/SchoolMonth/YearZIP273 KB

The Out-of-School Suspensions (District– and School-Level) files display the number and percent of enrolled students in each grade that had out-of-school suspensions (OSS). The OSS – District file updates quarterly and is calculated cumulatively by month at the District level; the rate listed for June (except SY2019-20; see footnote 4) is the official year-end number for reporting and accountability purposes. The OSS – School file is calculated cumulatively at year-end at the school level.


  1. This data does not include Charter Schools.
  2. Data only includes students enrolled in the District/school for 10 or more days.
  3. Summing numerators and denominators in the school-level file will not result in the numbers listed in the District-level file. This is because the figures in the school file are school-specific, meaning (a) a student who transfers schools mid-year will generally be attributed to both schools in the school file, but only counted once in the District file; and (b) a student may have zero suspensions at one school but one or more suspensions at a different school, and thus be excluded from the count of students with zero OSS at the District level.
  4. All OSS calculations for SY2019-2020 only consider data through March 13, 2020 due to state-wide COVID-19 school closures.
  5. Previously published files are available as a ZIP file archive.
  6. Due to retroactive cleaning of the data, subtle differences may occur with newly uploaded data files.

OSS – School: Last Refreshed: Mar 2024 | Next Update: Nov 2024

OSS – District: Last Refreshed: Oct 2024 | Next Update: Nov 2024

School YearAggregation TypeTime FrameFile TypeFile Size
SY 2019-2020 through 2022-2023School-LevelYearCSV1.4 MB
SY 2020-2021 through 2023-2024District-LevelMonthCSV83 KB
Previously published filesSchool-LevelYearZip file389 KB

Serious Incidents are incidents reported to School District Police. The Counts by Incident Type files provide the number of reported incidents at a school, by incident type. The Incident Report Details updates quarterly and provides detailed information about the reported incidents. Some incident types are included in the Counts by Incident Type file but excluded from the Incident Report Details file due to their sensitive nature.


  1. This data does not include Charter Schools.
  2. Due to retroactive cleaning of the data, subtle differences may occur for new data file uploads.
  3. Previously published files are available as a ZIP file archive.

Incident Counts: Last Refreshed: Feb 2024 | Next Update: Nov 2024

Incident Details: Last Refreshed: Oct 2024 | Next Update: Nov 2024

School YearData TypeFile TypeFile Size
SY 2020-2021 through 2022-2023Counts by Incident TypeCSV265 KB
SY 2020-2021 through 2023-2024Incident Report DetailsCSV2.4 MB
Previously published incident countsArchive Counts by Incident TypeZIP375 KB
Previously published report detailsArchive Incident Report DetailsZIP682 KB

Click on the Reporting Cycle below to download a Zip folder that contains National Student Clearinghouse Student Tracker Reports for individual schools and the District as a whole. These reports contain data on student post-secondary enrollment, persistence, and graduation.

Please use our School NSC Code Crosswalk to identify the NSC code for the school report and year you want to view. The NSC code is found in the third component of each report file name, after “HS”. For example a report for the school with NSC code 392779 will appear as follows: “4218990hs_10000345_HS392779…”

The District does not share student academic or demographic information with the NSC. Therefore, the NSC is unable to generate many of the subgroup analyses contained in the Academic and Demographic reports (i.e., these report types are mostly left blank).

Note: District reports include data for District, Charter, and Alternative schools.

Last Refreshed: May 2024 | Next Update: Sep 2024

Reporting YearH.S. Class of:Fall ReportsSpring ReportsSummer Reports
2023-20242016 through 2023November 2023April 2024
2022-20232015 through 2022November 2022April 2023August 2023
2021-20222014 through 2021November 2021April 2022August 2022
2020-20212013 through 2020November 2020April 2021N/A
2019-20202012 through 2019November 2019April 2020August 2020
2018-20192011 through 2018November 2018April 2019August 2019
2017-20182010 through 2017November 2017N/AAugust 2018
2016-20172009 through 2016November 2016April 2017August 2017
2015-20162008 through 2015N/AN/AAugust 2016
2014-20152007 through 2014November 2014April 2015August 2015

This file includes information on the fall matriculation rates for students who graduated during the school year indicated (e.g., 2019-2020 matriculation rates represent enrollment of students who graduated during 2019-2020). Students are considered to have matriculated if they enrolled at a postsecondary institution that reports information to the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).

Note: This data does not include Charter or Alternative Schools.

For more information:

  • Visit our interactive College & Career dashboard to further explore our 9th grade on track, high school graduation, college matriculation and persistence data, including breakouts by subgroups, student grades, and type of college students enrolled in.
  • View our research reports related to college & career.

Last Refreshed: Apr 2024 | Next Update: Spring 2025

School YearFile TypeFile Size
SY 2022-2023CSV3 KB
SY 2021-2022CSV3 KB
SY 2020-2021CSV3 KB
SY 2019-2020CSV3 KB

Wide-School file that includes schools results from the 2019-2020 End-of-Year Report. Example Metrics include: Credit Accumulation, Out of School Suspensions, Graduation Rates, Attendance. View individual school reports at

Published: Jan 2021

School YearFile TypeFile SizeAdditional Information
SY 2019-2020Excel328 KBData Information

For questions about these data sets, please contact us at

Are you using this data for your research? We’d love to learn more about your work!