School Year 2022-2023 Academic Calendar & Upcoming Engagement Opportunities

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Dear School District of Philadelphia Parents and Families,
I am writing today to share this School Year 2022-2023 Academic Calendar, which was approved by the School Board last night, and to invite you to share your thoughts and ideas in several important surveys that will help to inform our decision making in the coming months.
School Year 2022-2023 Academic Calendar
We took extra time this year to develop a calendar that meets all state and local requirements and provides the extra time our educators need to participate in professional learning, strengthen their instructional practices and accelerate student learning in alignment with the Board’s Goals and Guardrails. The first day of school for students in prekindergarten through 12th grade will be Monday, August 29, 2022, with a three-hour early dismissal for kindergarten only.
Later this spring, as part of our commitment to deepen our engagement with our families in the calendar development process, you will be invited to join us for conversations to help inform the academic calendars for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years. Please stay tuned for more information about these upcoming sessions.
Live Now! 2022 Budget Engagement Survey
This school year, we invested hundreds of millions of additional federal relief dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to make major investments in our schools and students. These investments, informed by your input from last year’s Budget Engagement Survey, supported: more before- and after-school programs in schools; more psychologists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists supporting students; more behavioral health counselors and climate and trauma response specialists in schools; and enhanced summer learning programs. You are now invited to participate in the 2022 Budget Engagement Survey to help inform our next round of investments for the upcoming school year. You can access the 10-minute online survey here today through April 8th – it is available in multiple languages. You can also review the results from last year’s survey here.
Coming Soon! 2022-23 Proposed Bell Schedule Survey
As we announced last week, starting this fall all District high schools, except four schools whose schedules must align with partner institutions, will shift to a 9:00 a.m. start time – including high schools that include middle grades. On Monday, March 28th, we will launch a brief online survey, inviting parents and guardians to provide input about the supports they may need as they plan for and adjust to the new 2022-2023 bell schedules. Starting on Monday, you will be able to access the survey here.
Thank you for your partnership.
William R. Hite Jr., Ed.D.
The School District of Philadelphia