Educational Services and Tablets available for Philly Youth in HUD-Assisted Housing

Posted on February 23, 2018
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Categories: Family News & Resources

The letter P in green, the letter H in blue, with one part of it looking like a door and the letter a in green. The words "Philadelphia Housing Authority: Opening Doors to Opportunities" is written in blue text underneath.Project SOAR is a new demonstration program reflecting HUD’s commitment to expand educational services to youth living in HUD- assisted housing. The SOAR program will link PHA youth with an Education Navigator who will assist them in getting prepared for college by helping them complete the FAFSA online, research scholarships, grants and loans, and assist with the college application process.

The opportunity is open to youth ages 15-20 years old and a free T-Mobile tablet, with 2 years of free internet service, will be given to all youth who sign up!