Posted on December 22, 2019
Categories: system trends

Of the approximately 16,500 English Learners enrolled in the School District of Philadelphia, 34% are enrolled in the K-3 grade band. In order to effectively monitor the progress of English Learners on their path to English proficiency as measured by the PSSA-ELA, ORE analyzed the relationship between achievement on the third-grade PSSA-ELA and on the ACCESS assessment. The information gathered in this analysis can inform the goals set for ELs in order to ensure that they are progressing towards English proficiency as measured by the both the ACCESS and PSSA-ELA assessments. Our research questions were as follows:

  1. What is the relationship between performance on the ACCESS assessment and the third-grade PSSA-ELA?
  2. What is the relationship between English proficiency at the start of third grade and PSSA-ELA performance?
  3. What is the relationship between meeting ACCESS annual growth targets and performance on the third-grade PSSA-ELA?

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