About School Climate and Culture
Our team works with schools to build safe, positive learning environments where all students know they belong. We do this by providing training, coaching, and resources that prioritize relationships and create cultures of caring and restoration.
We offer many different programs and supports. During 2023-24 school year, we are supporting:
- All district schools with resources and supports through our Social-Emotional Learning Toolbox
- All district schools with planning & best practices for orderly school climate
- 127 District schools with Culturally Responsive Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (CR-PBIS)
- 67 District schools with Relationships First (RF)
- 51 District schools with School Wide Social and Emotional Learning
- 19 District schools school-based youth courts
- All K-5, K-8, and standalone middle schools with prosocial recess
- All schools with mindfulness and stress-management tools and resources
- All schools with training, resources, and support for Restorative Progressive Discipline and the Guide to Student Discipline
- All schools with school climate practices and procedures
Social-Emotional Learning Toolbox
Social-Emotional Learning Toolbox
Our office offers a wide range of resources and tools for helping schools develop students’ social and emotional competencies. These tools are available to schools for free through our office, we can support their use, and they require little or no extra PD time.
The School District of Philadelphia has adopted CASEL’s 5 social and emotional learning competencies. View a video that details these HERE
Tools for Students
“There is no significant learning without a significant relationship.” Dr. James Comer
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