Renaissance Charter Schools

Renaissance Charter Schools are Philadelphia public schools that have an attendance boundary but are managed by a Charter company.

If you are finding that your neighborhood school is one of our Charter schools, your school is a “Renaissance Charter School”. You have the option of having your child attend this school, or, having your child reassigned into a District School if the Renaissance Charter school connecting to your home address does not have an available seat for your child.

Renaissance Charter Schools operate like normal neighborhood schools in our District.  To enroll your child into one of these schools, families are encouraged to contact the Charter school directly.

If, however, you need help finding a different school, because the Charter School connecting to your home address does not have available space, we can help.  We can get your child registered in a School District of Philadelphia school.  Simply access the Renaissance Charter Reassignment Form and let us find the next available school for your child.

Want to learn more about Renaissance Charter Schools? Read more about the Renaissance Charter Initiative.

What You Need to Know About Renaissance Charter Schools

A Renaissance Charter School is a neighborhood school that is operated as a public charter school and can only enroll students from the neighborhood, also known as a catchment zone.

You may opt out of a Renaissance Charter School. The Office of Student Enrollment and Placement works with families to find a nearby district school with available space in the student’s grade level and with the student’s academic support program (special education, ESOL, behavioral health, etc.), if applicable.

Renaissance Charter Schools have enrollment limits and, sometimes, schools reach this limit before all interested families can enroll their children. If this is the case, The Office of Student Enrollment and Placement will work with your family to find a nearby district school with available space in the student’s grade level and with the student’s academic support program (special education, ESOL, behavioral health, etc.), if applicable. If interested, families can apply and be placed on the school’s waiting list.

The Office of Student Enrollment and Placement is eager to work with families to find a Philadelphia School District school. You will be able to make a request to have your student assigned to school. Before completing this application, please ensure you have the following:

  • Photo ID
  • Two (2) Documents confirming your current address. A full list of acceptable documents can be found here. (link coming soon)

Please be aware that if your student is brand new to Philadelphia, there will be additional paperwork needed to complete registration.

Please click here to begin the request process.