For the last year, GreenFutures, the District’s sustainability program, has been working closely with teams from Capital, Curriculum and Instruction, Fairmount Water Works (FWW), and Interpret Green to develop a schoolyard sensor project called the Sense.Able Schoolyards Initiative. GreenFutures recently received funding through an FWW Grant from Spark Therapeutics to develop an integrated teaching and…
The Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) is beginning its third year of meetings to help keep community advocates and stakeholders informed about the District’s plans and progress on environmental work. The Council meets with the Office of Environmental Management & Services quarterly. It engages with representatives from across the city – parents, community members, union representatives,…
The School District of Philadelphia has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the City’s new environmental “best practices” law. Board of Education President Reginald L. Streater, Esq., explained in a statement that the District took this extraordinary step because the new law could threaten the opening of many District buildings at the start of the next…
Science Leadership at Beeber has a major heating and cooling improvement underway. The Office of Capital Programs is investing more than $22 million to improve heating and cooling throughout the building. To limit the interruption of instructional learning, many improvements will occur in the evenings and throughout the night. The goal is to maintain a…
William Dick will receive a major systems overhaul that includes installing a modern gas-fired high-efficiency hot water boiler system, a new chiller plant for the entire building, and replacing the existing piping. All classrooms and other student spaces will receive new heating and ventilating units, and the building will receive new equipment to improve ventilation….
The team currently working at the Lewis C. Cassidy Academic Plus project, in coordination with the School District of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day by organizing a community clean-up day of service. Team members from Perryman Shoemaker, Ewing Cole Architects, The School District of Philadelphia, and…