Tarah Gravlsande has been with the School District of Philadelphia since 2009 and has shared her compliance knowledge, payroll expertise, and positive energy with various departments during her tenure. Despite joining the Food Services team the week of the COVID-19 shutdown, Tarah took on the new challenges in stride and quickly acclimated to the new…
Karen Devito has been with the District for more than twelve years and brings with her a strong operations background. Her experience in the field as a Food Service Lead, and later as a Food Service Manager, serves her well in her current role as the Menu Specialist. Karen oversees the ordering and logistics involved…
Cuc Chim is the newest employee to join the team as the Operations Data Analyst. Cuc is no stranger to the District as a previous employee of Facilities, and a graduate of The Academy at Palumbo. In her new role as the Operations Data Analyst, Cuc is excited to bring a fresh set of eyes…
In partnership with the Philadelphia Eagles, the American Dairy Association recently awarded the Division of Food Services the “Hometown Grant.” The Philadelphia Eagles presented the award and hosted a virtual pep rally at Hopkinson School, where students received t-shirts and swag. Food Services was able to use the grant to purchase new refrigeration and breakfast…
Tom May joined the School District of Philadelphia in 1985 and has served in various capacities within the Division during his tenure. His experience as a mechanic and then as Operations Foreman served him well as he moved up to his current role as the Division’s Resource Scheduler. Tom leads a team of mechanics, utility…
The Division’s Utility Drivers are the behind-the-scenes logistics experts. This team knows how to get the job done, from moving equipment and supplies across the District to serving to-go meals to students under quarantine! Top Right Picture: (from left to right): Eugene Ruff, Keith Knight; Bottom Right Picture (from left to right): Keith Knight,…
As the Division’s Sanitation Specialist, Patrick Arnold ensures optimal sanitation standards are maintained within our school kitchens. Patrick performs routine inspections of our kitchens and cafeterias and is always ready to respond to the various challenges that present themselves to the Division throughout the year.
The Division recently hosted a pumpkin decorating contest, open to our full-service cafeteria locations. Pumpkins were shipped out to each school with hopes that the fun event would bring some positive energy to our team after a challenging school start-up. The contest was a success and revealed a lot of hidden talent out in the…
Jarred has worked in the food industry since the age of 14, and his interest in food led him to attend Jules E. Mastbaum. After graduation he attended the Culinary Institute of America. Since graduation, Jarred has worked in various settings including restaurants, campus dining, catering and the retail food market. Jarred’s journey came full…
Jennifer Albert has worked in the food service industry for over 25 years and held many positions. She started with the School District in 2014 as a Food Service Assistant, and in early 2016 was promoted to an Acting Utility Worker and an Acting Manager for full-service and satellite schools. She then became a PFT…