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Category: health & nutrition

Implementation of School-Based Food Backpack Programs in Philadelphia, 2019-20

Implementation of School-Based Food Backpack Programs in Philadelphia, 2019-20

This brief examines feasibility factors and parent/guardian experiences with the school backpack program, which provides bags of food for students at participating schools to bring home once per month.

Redesigning Schoolyards at Two Schools: A Summary of the Seven Design Phases

Redesigning Schoolyards at Two Schools: A Summary of the Seven Design Phases

In spring 2019, SDP, in partnership with Mural Arts Philadelphia, was awarded a grant from the William Penn Foundation to redesign schoolyards at three elementary schools into “playful learning areas”–environments designed for children that encourage and reinforce learning outside of the classroom. This brief summarizes the design process.

Youth Risk Behavior Survey: Selected Results from the School District of Philadelphia

Youth Risk Behavior Survey: Selected Results from the School District of Philadelphia

This report uses YRBS data from 2009 through 2019 to show changes in risk behaviors reported by high school students. It provides a general overview of these behaviors, then presents related findings in six sections: mental health, safety and violence, substance use, sexual health, nutrition and physical activity, and physical health. This report also explores how certain students may be more at risk based on their race/ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

District-Wide Survey Results: Food Insecurity in the School District of Philadelphia

District-Wide Survey Results: Food Insecurity in the School District of Philadelphia

Findings related to hunger and food insecurity based on District-Wide Survey responses from parents, guardians, and principals.

The Feasibility of Conducting an Impact Study of Share Produce Stands

The Feasibility of Conducting an Impact Study of Share Produce Stands

Results from an ORE pilot study to determine the feasibility of a future impact study of SHARE produce stands.

The School Health Index: Selected Findings on Physical Activity and Physical Education

The School Health Index: Selected Findings on Physical Activity and Physical Education

This brief summarizes selected findings related to physical activity and education from three reports published by ORE in December 2018.

Expanding School Breakfast Participation, 2017-18

Expanding School Breakfast Participation, 2017-18

An analysis of breakfast participation data from schools that implemented alternative breakfast delivery models and/or participated in the 2017 Breakfast Challenge.

The School Health Index 2017-18 Progress & Results: An Overview of Three Related Reports

The School Health Index 2017-18 Progress & Results: An Overview of Three Related Reports

This brief summarizes findings from three longer reports that addressed different aspects of the School Health Index process and results in 2017-18.

A Review of School Health Index Progress 2017-18

A Review of School Health Index Progress 2017-18

School progress toward improved health & wellness programming based on a modified version of the School Health Index.

The School Health Index 2017-18: Challenges to Promoting Health and Wellness in SDP Schools

The School Health Index 2017-18: Challenges to Promoting Health and Wellness in SDP Schools

A summary of common challenges identified by schools supported by School Health Index and other District data.