Apply to Serve on the District Advisory Council today!

The School District of Philadelphia is proud to announce the creation of a brand new program for the 2019-2020 School Year, the District Advisory Council! The DAC is an opportunity for parents, family members, and caretakers to become more knowledgeable about and provide input on District programs, policies, and materials that affect students and their families. In turn, DAC members champion the work of family engagement in their school communities by sharing information, best practices, District news, and initiatives.

The general responsibilities of DAC Members shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
Solicit opinions, best practices, and concerns from their school communities about school programs, student services, and other district policy issues to bring to DAC meetings

Commit to a two-year term as a DAC member (parents/guardians of students in Pre-Kindergarten to rising 11th graders are eligible)


Present recommendations to the school district to support academic achievement among all school children Meet bi-monthly with District staff to learn about and advise on a variety of programs, initiatives, and processes, especially as it relates to family engagement
Ensure that school district policy and procedure decisions are informed by the voices of parents and guardians who reflect the district’s student populations Promote District events and provide materials, information, and news to their neighborhoods and school communities

Important Dates and Deadlines

Visit the District Advisory Council website to learn about DAC membership criteria, other requirements, and how to apply! Applications close Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 4:30pm!