Safety Tips

Student Safety will always be a priority for the School District of Philadelphia. Below is a comprehensive list of general safety tips for parents and students.

Safety Tips For Children

  • You can help keep your school a safe place. If you see someone committing a crime, during or after school, call the Philadelphia Police Department (911), or the threat hotline, 215-400-SAFE (215-400-7233).
  • To and from school:
    • Walk with a parent/guardian or friends
    • Stay away from strangers and especially strangers in vehicles
    • Cross streets at a light or crosswalk
    • Choose a safe and designated route to school – safe corridor
    • When riding the bus, stay seated and act mature
    • Be aware of everything and everyone near you
  • While at school:
    • Stay until dismissal – you are safer at school
    • Know the rules and abide by them
    • Stay away from persons outside the school yard fence
    • Help us keep you safe

Safety Tips for Parents

  • Have your child fingerprinted
  • Keep a recent photograph of your child
  • Show your child how to dial 911 and from where
  • Provide your child’s school with current emergency information
  • Check your child’s route to and from school and show your child where fire and police stations are located
  • Make sure your child knows his or her full name, address, and phone number
  • Make sure your child knows to stay away from strangers and to yell for help if approached
  • Test your children occasionally to see if they remember the Safety Tip information you have taught them
  • Please help us keep your schools safe. We need your input.
  • As parents and members of the community you can make a difference in your neighborhood school. If you see any of the below listed activities occurring at or around your neighborhood schools, please call 215-400-SAFE (215-400-7233).
    • Arson
    • Burglary
    • Suspicious persons
    • Truants and/or gang activity
    • Other criminal activity