Data Quality Tool

The Data Quality Tool sends scorecard emails to staff alerting them about potential data quality issues and providing other useful information. After receiving a scorecard, staff must log into the Data Quality Tool to retrieve details – no confidential information is sent in scorecard emails. Some of the Data Quality Rules are actionable, requiring action by staff to fix identified issues, while others are for informational purposes only.

Learn more about Data Quality Scorecards.

The Data Quality Tool is run outside of the District and thus is not included in the single sign-on District portal employee tiles. This can lead to some confusion when trying to use the Data Quality Tool for the first time. Please note the following:

  • Your username is your District employee ID number. You can find your employee ID number (EIDN#) on your District ID badge. When logging in to the Data Quality Tool, do not include any leading zero digits from your EIDN#.
  • Your password may be different than your normal District password.
  • You do not start with a password – you must set up a new password (or reset an existing one) by pressing Forgot Your Password (linked here) and entering in your employee ID number. The system will then email you a temporary, one-use password.

Learn more about how to access the Data Quality Tool.

Most of the Data Quality alerts which staff need to address can be corrected through InfiniteCampus (the SIS). For detailed information about how to fix each type of Data Quality alert involving SIS data, please refer to the steppers available on the SISHelp website, which are organized by Data Quality Rule category.

Sometimes there are legitimate exceptions to Data Quality Rules, when the information is accurate but still meets the criteria to appear in the alert. In these cases, users can submit “exceptions” in order to remove these alerts from their scorecards.

Learn more about how to submit exceptions.

If you think that a Data Quality alert is not functioning correctly, you can submit this form to report an error.