Leadership Pathways Framework

This comprehensive leadership standards document, the Leadership Pathways Framwork (LPF), maps the skills for five distinctive leadership roles within our District: Assistant Superintendent, Principal, Assistant Principal, Teacher Leaders, and Central Office Leaders.

Six competencies were named and clarified with specific correlating indicators including: Equity Centered Leadership, Personal Leadership, Instructional Leadership, Talent Management and Development, Organizational and Operational Management, and Leadership of Supportive Environments. The LPF was created to tie many existing, disparate frameworks together, and to name what we, as a school district, believe a leader should orient toward, know, and be able to do.

Forty individuals met to review national best practices in leadership frameworks including the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) Framework and the already in use Framework for Leadership (PA Leadership Standards). The LPF has been reviewed annually and edited since its initial launch in 2018-2019.