Posted on April 21, 2021
Categories: Environmental

Donesafe, our new database program, is in the development stage.  We have been uploading our various google sheets, flushing out each module with real-world applications, and performing site visits to gain an understanding of how each module is interconnected to other departments.  We are anticipating an internal test phase to begin next month. We are hoping to begin to utilize this in the field during our 3-Year AHERA Reinspection cycle that will begin later this summer.

Austin Gwiazdowski from the Office of Environmental Management and Services (OEMS), and Zach Goodwin from the Office of Information Technology (IT) are working with Chris Webster from Donesafe on this project. This team is building a database and automated workflow system from the ground up for OEMS to use. The system will help OEMS manage the large amount of data and the complex flow of information about the District’s buildings that they maintain. The system will allow a synchronous update of information from simultaneous users, and will help to automate tedious processes.

(left to right) Austin Gwiazdowski, Zack Goodwin, and Chris Webster