The School District Of Philadelphia

Getting Involved in Your Child’s Education

What are the expectations of teachers and other school staff of families in the U.S.? Can you ask teachers about your student’s progress? Would you like to volunteer at your student’s school? Do schools welcome families regardless of immigration status? This section will provide you with information on how to become an active participant in your student’s education.

Getting Involved in Your Child's Education

Communication between families and the school

The School District of Philadelphia offers several ways to facilitate communication between school staff and multilingual families: There are bilingual advisors (BCAs) in many schools, and telephone interpretation and translation services are also available.

Bilingual Advisors (BCA’s)
Telephone interpretation
Information in your language

School Advisory Council (SAC)

The philosophy behind School Advisory Councils (SACs) is that when parents/family members are engaged in their student’s school, academic achievement improves. Share your voice, join your school’s SAC!

Parent Portal

The School District of Philadelphia Parent & Family Portal gives you access to information about your student’s education, such as grades, attendance, homework, schedule, transportation, etc.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent/teacher conferences are great opportunities to discuss a student’s progress. Get tips on how to make the best out of your meeting.

Tips for Parent Teacher Conferences
Academic Calendar

The Family Academy Courses and Trainings (FACT)

FACT offers a variety of courses and trainings for families. The New Americans strand provides topics of interest to immigrants and refugees. Start attending a class today!


Interested in volunteering in your child’s school but you do not know how to get started? This brochure will provide you with step-by-step instructions on what to do.