Online Saftety Resources

Online Safety Resources


Oasis Connections curriculum includes security awareness and privacy lessons in all courses. We are experts at helping digital newcomers learn to use the internet confidently and safely. We are continually looking for partners who share our bold goal of creating an army of cybersecurity instructors who teach in English and in Spanish, so if that interests you, please contact me.


We have a number of free resources designed to help you teach security awareness to the people you serve.


Our English-language materials can be found on this page:

7 YouTube Videos
2022 Cyber Tip Sheet

Our 1 hour self-paced security awareness course can be found on this page:

A paper handout to promote use of this course is attached
An electronic handout to promote use of this course is attached.
Our instructional video about avoiding Zoom-bombing:


Our Spanish-language Security Awareness videos can be found in this playlist:


If you’d like to talk to me about partnership please reply to this email or visit:

Comcast makes available a number of resources on online safety and security from expert partners including; Common Sense Media, ConnectSafely, NewsGuard and CommonCraft.    To access this content, visit and click on the Learning Center tab.