Employment Verification

Employment verification includes, but is not limited to:

Mortgages, Housing, Auto Loans, Public Assistance, Child Care, Utilities, Social Security, Disability, Insurance claims, Immigration, Family Court, Tenure, Buy Back and Prior Service Research for Teachers.

Employment verification can be done verbally or written, depending on what is required.

  • Verbal Verification– You can call to obtain an employee’s position title, start and end dates
    •  Can be done over the phone by calling 215-400-4600 #7.
    •  Will require the employee’s full Social Security Number OR Employee ID Number.
    •  We will provide only the employees position title, start/end date.
    •  We cannot provide any salary information, job location, or personal information.
  • Written Verification– You must send a written request with authorization to obtain an employee’s position title, start/end dates, and salary.
    • Cannot be done over the phone.  Fax to 215-400-4781, email employeerecords@philasd.org, or bring to our office.
    • Must be a written request, with Name, Full SSN or Employee ID Number, and Authorized Employee Signature.
    • Employees requesting verification must include a photo ID.
    • Written verification’s can include salary information.
    • Without proper authorization and identification salary information will not be provided.

Verifications we do not complete

  • Loan Forgiveness and PDE 338V Forms 
    • Completed in the Certification Department.
    • PDE338V forms should be emailed to compliance@philasd.org
    • Loan Forgiveness Forms can be sent several ways.

      Electronic DocuSign Form
      Send to Laura Nguyen at lnguyen@philasd.org.  We are not able to access Electronic DocuSign forms sent to compliance@philasd.org.

      Hours per week:

      Full-time School-Based Staff: 33 hours per week
      Full-time Admin Office Staff: 35 hours per week

      Important Notes:

      If you have a break in service, please do not use the DocuSign form.  A break in service requires two (2) forms.  Please use the paper form.

      Please be mindful that if something is entered in the form that does not match your record, we will have to reject the form for correction as we do not have the ability to change all fields.

  • Copies of your Paystubs or W-2s
    • Contact payroll payrollhelp@philasd.org if you are a former employee.
    • If you are a current employee they can be obtained online.
  • Address changes can also be done online or by contacting payroll.
  • Student Record inquiries should be sent to recordsrequest@philasd.org.
  • If your information is incorrect in Advantage or you have a concern about your assigned location, please contact Staffing@philasd.org.  We cannot change data in Advantage, we can only verify the data provided in the system.

Click here for more information on how to request a verification, types of verification letters, and what information is provided.