Research Roundup Webinar Series

The Office of Research and Evaluation hosts periodic webinars summarizing research on different topics, including those most closely aligned to the Board’s Goals and Guardrails. Each webinar is about an hour long, with opportunities for attendees to ask questions. Most of our webinars are recorded and posted on this website for those who wish to view them at a later date.

Information about the next Research Roundup will be posted here soon!

Research Roundup Library

The Relationship between Star Assessments and PSSA Performance in 2022-23

July 2024

2022-23 Philly School Experience Survey Results: School Climate and Instructional Environment

April 2024

Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) – Philadelphia

February 2024

The Ninth Grade On-Track Metric in SDP: Origins, Trends, and How Staff Use Ninth Grade On-Track Data to Support Students

December 2023

English Learner Experiences in SDP: Enrollment Trends, Linguistic Diversity, and Supports for Students

September 2023

The School Progress Report on Education and Equity (SPREE)

July 2023

The Impact of School Facility Investments on Students and Homeowners: Evidence from Los Angeles

May 2023

Focus on Student Attendance

April 2023

Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline: The Philadelphia Police School Diversion Program

February 2023

The District-Wide Surveys

December 2022

Changing the Finish Line: Implications of new graduation requirements in the School District of Philadelphia

October 2022

Understanding the SDP Landscape by Focusing on Two Student Groups: English Learners and Students in Special Education

July 2022

Food Insecurity in the School District of Philadelphia

June 2022

9th Grade On-Track Rates and High School Graduation

May 2022

Math Performance in Grades 3-8

April 2022

Literacy Performance in Grades K-3

March 2022