SBTL Support Resources for School and Network Leaders

Welcome, school and network leaders!  Click the tabs at the left for more information and resources on each topic.  For additional questions, please reach out to the Director of Teacher Leadership, Dr. Amy Summa, (

SBTL Selection

  • Job descriptions – these documents were developed in collaboration with PFT:
  • Role Reset Guide (2018) – The roles of SBTLs are intended to be instructional leaders.  This document intends to assist and ensure the collective bargaining agreement is being followed during the selection process and/or when shifting instructional priorities of SBTLs within a school.
  • Selection of Content-Specific SBTLs – If a school intends to implement an ELA or math content-specific SBTL, utilize this documentation to follow the collective bargaining agreement.
  • A suggested SBTL hiring protocol is available to school and building leaders upon request. Please email Dr. Amy Summa ( to obtain a copy.

Role Access Delegation (RAD)

The Role Access Delegation (RAD) System is the only way to compile a comprehensive list of SBTLs within the District. Without entering SBTLs into this system, these teacher leaders will not have access to professional development, support, and networking opportunities.

Each school with an SBTL should keep this information up-to-date within the RAD App found in the “Hollywood squares” or Employee Portal by going to

  • Only SBTLs whose roles align with the job descriptions linked at left should be entered into the system.
  • If a school has more than two (2) SBTLs, please email Dr. Amy Summa ( with additional names and email addresses of SBTLs.

Professional Development for SBTLs

SBTLs receive mandatory leadership development and content development that aligns with the Professional Learning Cycles.

Leadership Development 

Content Development

  • Cadence of development focusing on academic priorities and tying skills to roles and responsibilities (i.e. coaching and leading professional learning communities)

Check back soon for the PD Calendar and Scope & Sequence for the 2024-25 School Year!

SBTL Coaching

One-on-one School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL) coaching is offered in order to increase the ongoing growth and targeted development of each teacher leader and the teachers they support.
Coaching can be implemented with experienced and novice SBTLs in order to improve their leadership competencies. Principals are able to recommend SBTLs for coaching each spring for the following school year. Check back on this page each spring for the recommendation link.  To view the coaching expectations click HERE.

Any questions? Email Dr. Amy Summa (

SBTL Site Visits

Site Visits are designed for peers to provide feedback and support to SBTL peers at a debrief session supported by a Teacher Leader Team member. The visits provide a collaborative and solutions-orientated environment where SBTLs create action steps to implement immediately and practice skills and competencies that have been a focus of professional development sessions.  Please reach out to Dr. Amy Summa ( if you’re interested in hosting a site visit at your school.

Feedback Sessions

SBTL Feedback Sessions are an opportunity for SBTLs to work one-on-one with a member of the Office of Teaching and Learning’s Teacher Leader Team.  This partnership is to act as a space where SBTLs can receive real-time feedback on an area of their choosing (i.e. specific areas of the coaching cycle, classroom visits, debrief preparation,  leading professional learning, etc.).  These sessions are designed as stand-alone support where SBTLs will leave with data, notes, and next steps to assist in increasing their instructional impact of the school, teachers, and students they support.  SBTLs can sign up for a feedback session in late fall! Check back for a sign-up link!


As of the 21-22 school year, the Office of Educator Effectiveness has made it possible to observe SBTLs on a Danielson-aligned coaching rubric.

Fill out this form by Sept 11, 2023 in order to sign SBTLs up for this observation option for the upcoming school year.
Please email or with any questions.

Increasing SBTL Effectiveness

Research shows that one of the best ways to increase effectiveness is to model development on the 70-20-10 rule. According to the 70-20-10 rule, three types of experience are essential to learn and grow as a teacher leader, which directly correlates to teacher effectiveness/retention, and student achievement:

  • 70% challenging experiences and assignments (i.e. utilizing release time to coach and lead professional learning communities (PLCs)
  • 20% developmental relationships (i.e. site visits and coaching)
  • 10% coursework and training (i.e. SBTL professional development)

Utilizing this model encourages holding SBTL release time only for the purposes outlined in the job description.

Additional Resources