Teacher Induction

All educators seeking to convert their Level I instructional certificates to Level II instructional certificates must go through this program.

Program Overview

Induction is a requirement in the state of Pennsylvania for all educators to convert their Level I instructional certificate to a Level II instructional certificate.  The Teacher Induction program is offered to all teachers who have taught in Pennsylvania for 0-6 years and/or have teaching experience outside of Pennsylvania. In addition to completing a state-approved Induction program, teachers in Pennsylvania must also have 3 years of teaching experience in the state and 24 post-baccalaureate credits to convert their level I teaching certificate to a level II.  Once Induction is complete, teachers will receive 2 credits from PDE, which is equivalent to 60 Act 48 hours. For more information about certification, please contact compliance@philasd.org.

The Teacher Induction program gives teachers the opportunity to participate in a full year of professional development that focuses on the unique needs of beginning educators. Our Induction program provides one year of support that prioritizes skill development, personal reflection, and professional networking. Our model provides teachers with general pedagogical strategies that are designed for teachers in years 0-3.  The program has opportunities to collaborate and problem solve with similar teachers of similar grade level and content area. There are two choices of cohorts for participants. Both include the 30 hours of in-person learning and 30 hour of portfolio work.

2023-2024 Session Information

The Teacher Induction Program offers a two cohort model to accrue seat hours set by PDE. Teachers can sign up for Cohort 1, which has four summer sessions and four sessions throughout the course of the school year.  Teachers can also sign up for Cohort 2, which offers a mixture of Thursday and Saturday sessions. Attendance is required at all sessions. All sessions for Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 will be virtual until more information is provided. More information will be provided to registered participants as the dates approach. For dates and times, please see this flyer.


Teacher Induction is advertised on the Teacher Information Board and through teacher e-mail distribution lists. Teachers should register by completing the survey HERE.

Participants should have a fully-charged laptop and any relevant planning materials for each session and should be ready to practice and to apply the new content and be open to feedback from colleagues and mentors.

For Nurses seeking Induction, please contact studenthealth@philasd.org.

For psychologists seeking Induction, please contact Dr. Schehera Coleman at skcoleman@philasd.org.

For counselors seeking Induction, please contact Meghan Smith at measmith@philasd.org.

For Pre-K teachers seeking Induction, please contact James Cupit at jhcupit@philasd.org.

For additional questions regarding Teacher Induction, please contact teacherinduction@philasd.org.